I have been fortunate enough to go to Rome on two occasions. It is, without any doubt, my favourite city in the World. It seems that every building is worth looking at, every street has a fantastic history to it. The cities inhabitants are obviously very proud of it because the place, although not unnaturally spotless, is so well looked after. The buildings are too special for vandalism. I cant help but be inspired by such landmarks as the Pantheon and St Peter's Basilica. Everything about the Vatican is so impressive. Particularly the Dome's interior decor.
I am very familiar with the Rennaisance and I do appreciate it, even it doesn't set my world alight.
"When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall; And when Rome falls--the World." It sounds rather dramatic from Lord Byron, but I can genuinely see some truth in his statement. I get the feeling that this city has the respect of every other city and the reasons are clear as day when you go there.

The history of the place intrigues me, so much so that I had a mild obsession with the TV series "Rome". From what I have learnt in my studies, it portrayed Ancient Rome accurately, celebrating the savage realities and glorifying the lavish lifestyle. Those were the days...
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