I recently went to see 'The Woman In Black' at the Fortune Theatre in London's West End. Far from my favourite production, this play truly portrays the power of stage performance. The theatre itself is quite crooked and old and acts as a perfect setting for this production. The set is basic but so effective and the cast consists of two...or is it three? The plot revolves around the haunting of a young solicitor visiting the house of a dead widow. The ghost of a woman in black is the third character although, to add effect there is no mention of the character at all in the programme, on posters or even some reviews! It is the most terrifying experience of my life and I am still trying to understand how. In comparison to every horror movie I have ever watched, which has the benefits of special effects, incredible sets and millions of pounds to spend on making something scary, they all fall so far short of this play. You could argue that it's becasue you are physically there to watch it, but you are part of an audience which you would think would soften the scare-factor. It doesn't.
Robin Herford, who has directed it since 1989, has created the most powerful production I know of. He has relied on nothing else other than his direction and the actors performances, (and a few very disturbing sound effects!) and the simplicity of it makes it so effective. Honestly, reading a plot summary three months after having sen it still sends shivers down my spine. Certain moments in that play will never leave me...I wish they would!

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